Ok Kristen, this is for you! I was tagged by my friend Kristen a while ago... haha So here are 6 things you might not know about me.
1. I have been playing the piano since I was 4 years old. It's weird thinking I can remember back that long, but I do. (haha ANG!) I remember seeing a man playing a black grand piano on TV and told my mom and dad I wanted to do that. I started piano lessons very soon after! I have played in competitions, and took from a private instructor in college. I'm playing a musical number for church on Dec. 23rd, and I think it's a really beautiful piece.
2. I was a Phoenix Suns ballgirl when I was 13 until I was 15. My dad helped me fill out the application, and I went down and interviewed with about 250 other kids. It was an ABSOLUTE blast! I was able to meet and rebound for many of the players including some of the greats: Magic Johnson, Michael Jordon, and MY MAIN MAN - Charles Barkley. (I was in love with him! ) Charles was SO nice to us, and so was KJ and Danny Ainge. My dad had season tickets and so he would bring me down to the Arena 2 hours before the games. I had to go to all 41 home games each season and our jobs included rebounding for the players, passing out free stuff to fans, and wiping the sweat off of the court when players would fall during the game.
3. I travelled to Jerusalem, Jordan, and Europe during a 33 day trip in college. It was the trip of a lifetime and I'm so incredibly grateful that I was able to do it. I saw the tulip fields in the Netherlands, Petra in Jordan, the Trevi Fountain in Italy, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Crown Jewels in London and much more! I will always remember that trip as long as I live.
4. I am the oldest of 5 kids and have 3 sisters and 1 brother. My family is my life. My sisters are my best friends. I don't know what I would do without them - Angela's big heart, Ashlee's sense of humor, and Annie's laugh & smile.
5. I love make-up, and love doing other people's make-up. I did my make-up for my wedding, and most of my bridesmaids'. I've done it for some of my friends weddings and Ashlee comes over often saying, "I'm going out, can you do my makeup?" haha I'm a detailed person, and I think that's part of the reason I'm fascinated by new colors and applications.
6. Here is a list of some of my favorite things! Mint chocolate chip ice cream, mexican food, Arbonne lip gloss (I have to have it on at all times!), TEETH!, home decor, looking at model homes, going to the movies, getting my hair done (thanks Chels!), Pepsi, laughing with my sisters, being with friends, milk chocolate hersheys with almonds, my red faux fur blanket - it's the warmest, being with the people I love - my family.
Ok, so now I tag 6 people. Angela, Jana, Chien, Misha, Anne, and Adrienne. You know who you are! Blog about 6 things people don't know about you, then tag 6 people. It's pretty fun learning a little more about people!